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"Mencari Kebahagiaan"

       Alkisah, ada seorang pemuda sedang duduk dengan tatapan kosong mengarah ke hamparan air telaga. Dia sudah berkelana mendatangi berbagai tempat, tapi belum ada yang membahagiakan dirinya. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara sengau memecah kesunyian.
“Sedang apa kau di sini, anak muda?” tanya seorang kakek yang tinggal di sekitar situ.
Anak muda itu menoleh sambil berkata. ”Aku lelah, Pak Tua. Aku sudah berjalan sejauh ini demi mencari kebahagiaan, tapi perasaan itu tak kunjung kudapatkan. Entahlah, ke mana lagi aku harus mencari…” keluh si anak muda dengan wajah muram.
“Di depan sana ada sebuah taman. Pergilah ke sana dan tangkaplah seekor kupu-kupu. Setelah itu aku akan menjawab pertanyaanmu,” kata si kakek. Meski merasa ragu, anak muda itu pergi juga ke arah yang ditunjuk. Tiba di sana, dia takjub melihat taman yang indah dengan pohon dan bunga yang bermekaran serta kupu-kupu yang beterbangan di sana.
        Dari kejauhan di kakek melihat si pemuda mengendap-endap menuju sasarannya. Hap! Sasaran itu luput. Dikejarnya kupu-kupu ke arah lain. Hap! Lagi-lagi gagal. Dia berlari tak beraturan, menerjang rerumputan, tanaman bunga, semak. Tapi, tak satu pun kupu-kupu berhasil ditangkapnya.
Si kakek mendekat dan menghentikan si pemuda. ”Begitukah caramu mengejar kebahagiaan? Sibuk berlari ke sana kemari, menabrak tak tentu arah, bahkan menerobos tanpa peduli apa yang kamu rusak?”
Si kakek dengan tegas dan melanjutkan, ”Nak, mencari kebahagiaan layaknya menangkap kupu-kupu. Tidak perlu kau tangkap fisik kupu-kupu itu, biarkan dia memenuhi alam semesta ini sesuai fungsinya. Tangkaplah keindahan warna dan geraknya di pikiranmu dan simpan baik-baik di dalam hatimu.
      Demikian pula dengan kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan bukanlah benda yang dapat digenggam dan disimpan di suatu tempat. Ia tidak ke mana-mana, tapi ada dimana-mana. Peliharalah sebaik-baiknya, munculkan setiap saat dengan rasa syukur maka tanpa kau sadari kebahagiaan itu akan sering datang sendiri. Apakah kamu mengerti?”
Si pemuda terpana dan tiba-tiba wajahnya tampak senang. ”Terima kasih pak Tua. Sungguh pelajaran yang sangat berharga. Aku akan pulang dan membawa kebahagiaan ini di hatiku..”
            Kakek itu mengangkat tangannya. Tak lama, seekor kupu-kupu hinggap di ujung jari dan mengepakkan sayapnya, memancarkan keindahan ciptaan Tuhan. Warnanya begitu indah, seindah kebahagiaan bagi mereka yang mampu menyelaminya.

Setiap manusia menginginkan kebahagiaan. Tetapi sering kali  begitu sibuk mencarinya, tanpa menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan sesungguhnya tidak kemana-mana tetapi justru ada di mana-mana. Kebahagiaan bisa hadir di setiap tempat, di semua rasa, dan tentunya setiap hati yang selalu mensyukuri.

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42 : The answer to life, the universe and everything

Douglas Adams said it was the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. He meant it as a joke, but a new book shows how the number 42 has played a significant role in history

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Most people don't really think much about HOW they learn
You assume learning comes naturally
You listen to someone speak either in conversation or in a lecture and you simply absorb what they are saying, right?
Not really. In fact, I find as I get older that real learning takes more work.
The more I fill my brain with facts, figures, and experience, the less room I have for new ideas and new thoughts.
Plus, now I have all sorts of opinions that may refute the ideas being pushed at me.
Like many people I consider myself a lifelong learner, but more and more I have to work hard to stay open minded.
But the need for learning never ends, 
So your desire to do so should always outweigh your desire to be right. 

The world is changing and new ideas pop up everyday; incorporating them into your life will keep you engaged and relevant. 

The following are the methods I use to stay open and impressionable. 

They'll work for you too. 

No matter how old you get.

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"The 6 Things Really Smart People Do"

1. Quiet Your Inner Voice

You know the one I am talking about. It's the little voice that offers a running commentary when you are listening to someone. It's the voice that brings up your own opinion about the information being provided. It is too easy to pay more attention to the inner voice than the actual speaker. That voice often keeps you from listening openly for good information and can often make you shut down before you have heard the entire premise. Focus less on what your brain has to say and more on the speaker. You may be surprised at what you hear.

2. Argue With Yourself

If you can't quiet the inner voice, then at least use it to your advantage. Every time you hear yourself contradicting the speaker, stop and take the other point of view. Suggest to your brain all the reasons why the speaker may be correct and you may be wrong. In the best case you may open yourself to the information being provided. Failing that, you will at least strengthen your own argument.

3. Act Like You Are Curious

Some people are naturally curious and others are not. No matter which category you are in you can benefit from behaving like a curious person. Next time you are listening to information, make up and write down three to five relevant questions. If you are in a lecture, Google them after for answers. If you are in a conversation you can ask the other person. Either way you'll likely learn more, and the action of thinking up questions will help encode the concepts in your brain. As long as you're not a cat you should benefit from these actions of curiosity.

4. Find the Kernel of Truth

No concept or theory comes out of thin air. Somewhere in the elaborate concept that sounds like complete malarkey there is some aspect that is based upon fact. Even if you don't buy into the idea, you should at least identify the little bit of truth from whence it came. Play like a detective and build your own extrapolation. You'll enhance your skills of deduction and may even improve the concept beyond the speaker's original idea.

5. Focus on the Message Not the Messenger

Often people shut out learning due to the person delivering the material. Whether it's a boring lecturer, someone physically unappealing, or a member of the opposite political party, the communicator can impact your learning. Even friends can disrupt the learning process since there may be too much history and familiarity to see them as an authority on a topic. Separate the material from the provider. Pretend you don't know the person or their beliefs so you can hear the information objectively. As for the boring person, focus on tip two, three, or four as if it were a game, thereby creating your own entertainment.

5. Show The Poker Face
Sometimes smart people don’t even like to act like they’re smart just to test out the mental capacity of the people they are dealing with. They will usually put on their poker face and pretend like they are just passively observing just to see what their audience’s interpretation of the “truth” is. They use this tactic to study the nature of the people they are doing business with and forming a long term relationship with. This way, they can come up with the most effective method of sounding like they know what they are talking about without offering something too unfamiliar or complicated for their peers to comprehend.
6. Understand The Concept Of Time
Smart people never allow distractions or mental unrest to waste their time in trying to figure something out. They are able to recognize what is conducive to their thought process and their journey to accomplish their goals as opposed to what is only pushing them farther away from working their hardest and staying on track.
A smart person is aware that the average human being runs into several pointless distractions every day that only serve a negative purpose in their life. They know how to ignore these imposters of “truth” and focus on using the best of their abilities to be productive for their own well-being.

the need for learning never ends

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My family is very strong like me 
My family is actually very sweet 
My family can be a little strict 
My family are so big and true 
My family- close to me 
They love me for what I want to be
My family is the people who 
Talks us through everything 
My family are the ones who 
Listens to what i have to say 
My family- Very unique 
the family i wish i had 
the family i thought i had 
the family i wish i never had 
the family i thought was perfect 
Family is love 
Family is care 
When we are in trouble 
They are there

~There are lots of things untold~

i believe every family has a story welcome to ours

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Ever felt like you wish you could just disappear? Or fall asleep and never wake up? Have you ever thought about not being here anymore, or that the world would be better off without you in it? If you have had thoughts like these, you are not alone. Although these types of thoughts are common, most people who have these thoughts do not end their lives. However, suicide among young adults is a very real concern—it is the third-leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 24. If you are struggling with these thoughts and feelings, please read on.

                                                                                                              I'm sad, hurt, confused, lonely, unloved, judged, missunderstood, broken   fine

Depression is a painful experience; when depressed, you feel hopeless and helpless, and it can become difficult to see how things will get better. When people have suicidal thoughts, it is because they just want the pain to stop and are looking for a way out of the hole they’re in. Usually, they don’t really want to die—they just don’t want to feel the way they do. They feel like things will never get better.

Things you can do to help yourself :
  1. Talk to Someone, a friend or mentor you trust, about what is going on. As hard as this might be, don’t keep it to yourself. Tell your therapist if you are seeing one.
  2. Make a Contact List of all the people (and their phone numbers) you can reach out to when you are feeling distressed or suicidal. Include the people who mean the most to you and give you reasons to live. Include people you can  can trust to help you and keep you safe. List people who make you smile or cheer you up just by talking to them. Keep this list close by and make sure it has more than one person in case the first person you call isn’t available. When you’re feeling really down and alone, this list will remind you that there are people you can turn to and make it easy for you to contact them.
  3. Make a Reasons for Living List. Do this when your mood is better because when you’re really down, it’s difficult to think of positive things. Think hard—there are a lot of reasons—write any and all of them down: your family, your friends, your little cousin who looks up to you, your pet, graduating high school, the new episode of your favorite show, finishing the novel, etc. Write them all down and keep the list close by so that you can look at it when you’re feeling that you have nothing to look forward to
  4. Create a List of Activities That Make You Feel Better, things that you can do when you feel down or have suicidal thoughts. What things can you do to boost your mood—even if it’s only temporarily? Take a walk, take a relaxing bath, watch a silly movie, go golfing, play with your pet, call your Great Aunt Betty, listen to your favorite song, decorate your bedroom, go for a drive, bake a cake—anything and everything you can think of that can help you relieve some of your distress. Then use the list and when you’re feeling low.

Maybe life is hard but you can do something that makes you feel BETTER!:)

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